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School - Life Child Care Subsidy Application

(Fall Semester 2021)

The Associated Students of the University of Utah are proud to sponsor a special “School - Life” Subsidy for student parents who are experiencing a financial hardship and need support paying for child care while completing their semester course work. The subsidy helps with Campus Child Care Program expenses while the parent attends class. Along with the completed application, you must submit an essay (at least one (1) page but no more than two (2) pages) explaining your financial need, any extenuating circumstances, and how this subsidy will help you persist to graduation.  Applications and essays will be reviewed by an oversight committee and all information is confidential. DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED!  Applications and essays are due no later than 11:59 pm on August 18, 2021 and award notification will be made the first week of Fall semester.  Email essays to by the deadline.   

School-Life Subsidy recipients are required to volunteer at least one hour at their child's center for every $150.00 awarded (hours are rounded up). This volunteer time may be working on an at home project for the center or assisting in an activity at the center. Project/activity is to be determined by the recipient and Center Director and approved by the Student Parent Support Center.

Volunteer hours will be tracked and incomplete volunteer hours may result in immediate loss of subsidy and ineligibility for future “School - Life” awards.

Student Parent 1 Information

(e.g. xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Child(ren) Information

Income Resources
All applicants, please fill out this section as this information is required to determine eligibility and subsidy award.

Report total GROSS income for each item listed below.
U of U Student Parent
(Annual Amount $)
Parent/Guardian 2
(Annual Amount $)
Money, wages, or salary
Net income from self-employment
Social Security income
Dividends, interest income
Public assistance/welfare and/or food stamps (Horizon card)
DWS child care assistance, etc.
Pension and annuities
Disability Insurance
Worker's Compensation
Alimony received
Child support received
Veteran's pensions
Academic Financial Assistance
U of U Student Parent
(Annual Amount $)
Parent/Guardian 2
(Annual Amount $)
Grants (Pell, SEOG, and others)
Tuition reduction
Tuition reimbursement
Student loans - for information only, will not be counted in total income resources
The information I provided on this School-Life Subsidy application and the submitted essay is truthful and reflects my current household status. Should I be awarded this scholarship, I understand that it is my responsibility to contact the Center for Child Care and Family Resources should my child care needs or student status change during this semester.

Last Updated: 10/27/23