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Register for workshops

CPR/First Aid Training

Come gain the knowledge to potentially save a life of those in your care. This three-hour class includes basic training in CPR for infants, children and adults. It also includes training in emergency first aid. Come join us in our effort to achieve high quality child care communities by attending this important training. This is an in-person training.

Date: Saturday, September 14, 2024

Time: 09:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Place: East Village Community Center, 1601 University Village

Cost: $55

Additional Workshops and Events

(Advance registration may be required as stated below)

Please make sure to fill out a CCAMPIS Workshop Form before you attend a workshop other than one hosted by the Student Parent Support Center (above).  Please politely ask the presenter/host for their signature after the workshop. You can download the CCAMPIS Workshop Form  by clicking on the image below:

  Email with questions.


Financial Wellness Center Workshops (formerly known as Personal Money Management Center)

For additional information on upcoming workshops, visit the Financial Wellness Center website. All events will be held via Zoom.  Register here for one of the workshops below:

  • Looking Ahead, Find Your Financial Future - July 20, 2022
  • Money on the Mind:  Paying for School - September 7, 2022
  • The Psychology of Finances: How emotions influence our money - October 4, 2022
  • Don't be flustered by credit cards:  Using credit cards wisely - November 9, 2022
  • Go with the flow:  What is Fintech?  - December 6, 2022

Undergraduate Research Education Series - They offer a lot of different workshops on different topics.

University of Utah Learning Center

Learning Center  -  The Learning Success Center offers presentations and individual study consultations. Please contact them to set up a date and time.

Woman's Resource Center

Woman's Resource Center - Watch for new events

Last Updated: 2/12/24